Photo by Tom Frazier
NanC Meinhardt Studio
Highland Park, Illinois
Phone: 847-433-1510

Check out the new personalized classes
taught only in NanC's home studio (nowhere else in the world)! Choose among six projects and customize the
class for individuals or small groups.
© 2010-2012 NanC Meinhardt Studio
NanC's Bead Workshops
Please click on the blue text-links below to see details of
each workshop
(listed in alphabetical order), including supply list and more photos.
You can click on the photos below to see enlargements.
1,000 Bead Pick Up
While talking on the phone, you idly arrange your favorite beads on a
beading mat. When you're finished, you are delighted with the
formation of beads in front of you. What you see would make a
wonderful bracelet without changing a thing—but how can you get the
beads from your mat onto your wrist without disturbing the design?
Learn how in this one-day workshop. |
Art Sticks: I'm Not an artist. I
Can't Draw. I Can Only Draw Stick Figures
We each perceive objects in our own way. Art Sticks is a
workshop about seeing and then crafting what you see into a personal
stick. |
"Balls, Balls," Said the Queen
What beautiful beads they are! In this workshop with NanC Meinhardt,
you will use right-angle weave to create sumptuous beaded beads. You
will also learn how to create floral and/or patterned beads. |
Be Still My Heart
You might find it difficult to contain yourself when you wear this
beautiful cuff bracelet because you will shine! NanC Meinhardt takes
right-angle weave to new heights with this extraordinary design. |
You will learn how to cover molded pieces using NanC's signature
technique to pick up the slightest nuances of shape and form. |
Deneen's Necklace
Using a new "twist" together with peyote stitch, NanC Meinhardt will
teach the participants of this workshop to make an elegant yet easy to
accomplish necklace. |
Freeform Right Angle Weave Intensive
Participants will spend two days with NanC Meinhardt exploring the
possibilities inherent in using freeform right-angle weave, an off
loom bead weaving technique. |
I Wonder What Would Happen If I ...
NanC Meinhardt's workshop is a chance to spend three days within that
very haunting question, "I Wonder What Would Happen If I......." This
workshop is designed to explore where your beadwork goes when
expectations are laid aside, chances are taken and possibilities are
found. |
Izzy and Lucy Bracelet
The image on the monitor showed two beautiful little girls, Izzy and
Lucy, playing in their backyard on a sunny California day,. The
sunlight played with them as they laughed and whirled and turned and
swirled unselfconsciously before a sensitive photographer's eye. These
images stole my heart: my beadwork could not help but to follow. |
Multi-stitch Bracelet with Keshi Pearls
Being in love with keshi pearls, NanC Meinhardt designed a bracelet
that combines single peyote, two drop peyote and right-angle weave to
showcase the pearls. An invisible closure adds to the cohesiveness of
this piece. This workshop includes bead-by-bead directions, making
your bracelet easy to accomplish. You may choose to make the
Multi-stitch Bracelet with either size 11 or size 14/15 seed beads. |
Museum Bracelet
NanC Meinhardt brings to you her most successful bracelet design,
which was exhibited at the American Craft Museum in New York. |
Enjoy spending a day creating a spiraling, swirling, twirling cascade
of Ndebele and Peyote ending in a burst of encrusted curl. |
Right Angle Weave Shapes
In this workshop, the participants will review the technique of flat
right angle weave. NanC Meinhardt will demonstrate a vareity of
techniques, including a technique NanC developed called "filler bead
inside increase". |
Shades of a Different Color
In this one-day workshop, participants will learn African Helix, an
easy to accomplish off loom bead weaving technique. |
Super Froth Bracelet
A chance to spend a day reveling in excess as you create a waterfall
of decadent froth! |
Very Tailored Bracelet
NanC Meinhardt, the originator of “free-form
right-angle weave,” leaves her intuitive nature
behind for this tailored design. You will use tubular right-angle
weave and a diagonal pattern that changes direction several times
within the bracelet, to accomplish this deceivingly simple-looking
piece. (Click on the blue text link for more photos.) |
Website design by Freedman |